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I swim in deep waters

Maybe you’re swimming in those waters too. It could be that you are raging at how unfair it all is or devastated by the death of someone you love. Maybe you’re desperate to sleep or have no idea how you’re going to do this.


In this isolation, any kind of “feeling better” is an insult … and the big secret is, maybe you don’t know if you actually want to get better because if you do, you’ll really have to let go and that pain is even more unbearable than the grief and pain you are in right now.


Bring your real, whatever you got.


I do this work because people have died in my life and when they did I didn't have anywhere to turn. That isolation created… problems.


(Perhaps you can understand?)

Your grief is yours and you are not alone. You may want to scream at me now that I’ve said that, and I am true to what I know. Grief is simultaneously the most isolating and most universal human experience.
And I am here to understand and be with you in the messiness and brilliance of your love, providing physical, mental, energetic, emotional and spiritual support.


I have worked as a shiatsu therapist and acupuncturist for over 20 years, was an owner of the first Community Acupuncture clinic in Canada…. and have personally treated thousands of people.  I have worked with grieving people alone and in groups for years and have taught shiatsu, mentored practitioners and guided community healing.  I have extensive experience with burnout, trauma, addiction, grief, and loss.


I would love to be with you too, wherever you are. I can’t bring them back, but I can make this a little better.


Don’t have the crushing weight of deep loss, but do have PMS, upset digestion or just wanna chill out? I can help with that too


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